In addition to the OSDC console, there are a number of command line tools to manage virtual machines and cloud settings. The OpenStack tools have a variety of names, the primary one being ‘nova’. On Sullivan and the protected data clouds we do recommend using the OpenStack tools because they have a number of nice features. This page will describe some of the more common tasks, more details can be found on the OpenStack site.
OpenStack: nova image-list
OpenStack: nova flavor-list
OpenStack: nova keypair-list
OpenStack: nova boot <SERVER NAME> --image <IMAGE ID> --flavor <FLAVOR ID> --key_name <KEY NAME>
The –user_data ~/ provides the credentials to your VM to mount the GlusterFS share. On Sullivan you can also manually mount /glusterfs after the fact by running ‘/cloudconf/mount-glusterfs $USERNAME’. The password is located in your home directory at “smbpassword.txt”
OpenStack: nova list
OpenStack: nova delete <INSTANCE ID>
It’s a good idea to make the new image name informative.
Floating IPs are currently only available on the Sullivan cloud and in limited quantities. Please contact support if you wish to obtain a floating IP.
The default security policy is already set to allow 22, 80 and 443 in this fashion:
nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 22 22
nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 80 80
nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 443 443
nova secgroup-add-rule default icmp -1 -1