Coming Soon - Currently in BETA
Updates to the Tukey Webconsole will allow OSDC users to more easily share descriptions of their image snapshots and the types of analysis the image is intended for.
Cloud Login Node VM OSDC Sullivan <username> ubuntu@<VM.IP> OSDC Griffin <username> ubuntu@<VM.IP> Bionimbus PDC <username> ubuntu@<VM.IP>
Remember to terminate your VMs in the Tukey console when not in use to free up valuable cores for other OSDC users. Make sure if it’s something you built from scratch, to snapshot it first! To learn more visit the VM or FAQ/Best Practices sections.
Below is a screencapture of a terminal session showing the command line tools necessary to login to the OSDC Sullivan headnode and then a VM. Feel free to copy and paste commands to your own shell, adjusting usernames and VM IPs as needed.
Now we’ll take you step by step through a demo using NASA’s Earth Observing-1 dataset that works on OSDC Sullivan. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use OSDC to visualize and perform a simple example analysis of NASA satellite imagery data. You will perform many tasks common to using the OSDC during this demo like launching an instance, ssh’ing, in addition to those specific to analysis.
Here we will show you how to use Python to
In the console, under ‘Images and Snapshots’, scroll down to find the section labeled ‘All Snapshots’. Here’s you’ll want to find and launch the snapshot called ‘OSDC_DatasetExplorer_EO1’. We recommend using a medium instance.
When you ssh in to both the login node and the instance, make sure and add both the “A” and the “X” flags. The A is for key forwarding, the X is for X11 forwarding. IE: ssh -AX <username> and then ssh -AX ubuntu@<INSTANCE.IP>. If you’re doing a lot of GUI work like looking at plots and images, you’ll want to use this X flag often.
Once you’re in the instance, cd and run all commands from the existing /eo1_demo dir.
We will take a look at an example ALI GeoTiff from band 3, covering 0.45 - 0.515 micron. Our data resides in the /glusterfs/osdc_public_data/eo1 directory. In the terminal, type or copy:
python /glusterfs/osdc_public_data/eo1/ali_l1g/2014/029/EO1A1930292014029110PZ_ALI_L1G/EO1A1930292014029110PZ_B03_L1T.TIF
Here we will create an RGB image from three bands of an individual ALI scene. We will use the script to look at a scene observed on the 29th day of 2014 and save it as a png image. To make the image a little brighter, we tell the script to scale each color up by a factor of 2.
In the terminal, type or copy in:
python 2014 029 EO1A1930292014029110PZ italy.png 2
To download this image to your local machine for viewing is a two-step process. First, move the file to your gluster user directory on Sullivan by typing the following into your VM terminal:
mv italy.png /glusterfs/users/USERNAME/
Then, in the terminal on your local machine, download the file into the preferred directory:
scp .
Now take a look at your picture using your favorite image viewer. Looks like a nice spot to run our classifier. This is a section of the Italian coast near Pisa.
We will run our classifier see if it can identify which sections of the scene are clouds, water, desert, or vegetation. The classifier uses a support vector machine (SVM) from Python’s scikit-learn module to fit a model to the training set from Hyperion data we have provided in ‘FourClassTrainingSet.txt’. This classifier uses the ratios of ALI bands 3:7 and 4:8. The file trainingSpectra.png shows a plot of the average reflectance spectra from Hyperion for each class in the training set. Shaded grey areas show the wavelength coverage of ALI bands, which are used by the classifier described.
You can run the classifier with the following command:
python 2014 029 EO1A1930292014029110PZ italyClassified.tif
It will take about 10 minutes to run, so go get a snack or some coffee. You can also look at the classified GeoTiff we have provided using the above procedure.
INTERMISSION - Project Matsu
This demonstration comes from analysis demonstrated by one of our OSDC projects called Project Matsu. Project Matsu is a collaboration between NASA and the Open Commons Consortium to develop open source technology for cloud-based processing of satellite imagery to support the earth sciences and disaster relief.
Let’s take a look at the GeoTiff created. Run on the file made by the classification:
python italyClassified.tif italyClassified.png
You can download italyClassified.png to your local machine using the instructions above in ‘Making an RGB image.’ The classified scene has a white pixel where the classifier identified clouds, blue for water, brown for desert, and green for vegetation. Using the USGS EarthExplorer webpage you can retrieve the scene IDs and dates for scenes all over the world and classify them. Have fun!
Once you have completed this demo, exit out of the VM and the login node, enter the console and be sure to terminate your VM.