OSDC in brief
The Open Science Data Cloud provides the scientific community with resources for storing, sharing, and analyzing terabyte and petabyte-scale scientific datasets. The OSDC is a data science ecosystem in which researchers can house and share their own scientific data, access complementary public datasets, build and share customized virtual machines with whatever tools necessary to analyze their data, and perform the analysis to answer their research questions. It is a one-stop shop for making scientific research faster and easier.
Why is there a need?
With datasets growing larger and larger, researchers are finding that the bottleneck to discovery is no longer a lack of data but an inability to manage, analyze, and share their large datasets. Individual researchers can no longer download and analyze the important datasets in their scientific fields on their own computers. The goal of the Open Science Data Cloud is to remove the bottleneck to discovery by providing researchers with access to a variety of key datasets across scientific disciplines and the computing infrastructure to allow scientists to easily manage and share their data and analysis.>> read more